Common Reasons Why AC Turning On and Off Frequently

Common Reasons Why AC Turning On and Off Frequently

Are you having trouble with your AC turning on and off frequently? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are dealing with this problem every day. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common reasons why your aircond is turning on and off. We will also provide some tips to help you troubleshoot the issue and get your AC working properly again!

Key Takeaways

  • Common reasons why AC might turn on and off frequently include an oversized AC unit, a frozen evaporator coil, or a clogged drain line.
  • In order to prevent your AC from turning on and off frequently, you can take measures such as cleaning the evaporator coils, changing the air filter, and having your AC unit serviced regularly.
  • If your AC unit does turn on and off frequently, it’s important to clear any debris or obstruction from the drain line. Doing so will allow the water to drain properly and prevent damage to your AC unit.

A faulty thermostat

AC thermostat

There are a few different reasons why your thermostat might be causing your AC to turn on and off frequently.

  • It could be due to a problem with the sensor. The sensor is what tells the thermostat when to turn the AC on and off, so if it’s not working properly, it can cause the AC to turn on and off more than it should.
  • The thermostat could be set to “Auto.” This means that it will automatically turn the AC on and off based on the temperature in the room. However, if the temperature in the room fluctuates frequently (for example, if someone opens a door or window), then the AC will turn on and off more often as well.

If you think that your thermostat might be to blame for your AC turning on and off frequently, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. You need to check the batteries in your thermostat. If they’re low or dead, replace them with new ones. The next step is to check to see if the sensor is dirty or covered by anything. If so, clean it off or remove whatever is blocking it. However, if your thermostat is set to “Auto,” you may want to switch it to “On.” This way, the AC will stay on even if the room temperature fluctuates.

Clogged Condensate Ducts

If your air conditioner is turning on and off frequently, chances are there’s a problem with the condensate duct. The condensate duct is a PVC pipe that runs from your air conditioner to the outside of your home. It is responsible for carrying away the condensation that forms on the evaporator coils. When the duct becomes clogged, the water backs up and can cause leaks, flooding, and other damage.

There are a few steps you can take to prevent your condensate duct from getting clogged. 

  • Make sure the PVC pipe is the right size. The diameter of the pipe should be at least twice the width of the evaporator coils 
  • Install an automated drip pan switch. This will turn off your air conditioner if the drip pan overflows, preventing water damage 
  • Clean your evaporator coils regularly. Dust and dirt can build up on the coils and cause them to freeze, which will block the flow of water through the condensate duct 
  • Check your filters monthly and change them when they’re dirty. Dirty filters will restrict airflow and cause your evaporator coils to freeze 
  • Have your air conditioner serviced by a professional aircond service specialist at least once a year. A professional can clean your evaporator coils and check for any other potential problems.

Lack of sufficient airflow into the Air Conditioner

One potential reason why your air conditioner keeps turning on and off is lack of sufficient airflow into the unit. The AC needs a certain amount of airflow to operate correctly, so if there’s not enough airflow, the unit will cycle on and off in an attempt to compensate 

There are a few reasons why there might not be enough airflow into the AC unit.

  • The air filter could be dirty. A dirty air filter restricts airflow and puts strain on the AC unit, causing it to cycle on and off more frequently.
  • The vents could be closed or blocked. Make sure all the vents in your home are open and unobstructed.
  • The evaporator coils could be frozen. This is most likely to happen in very humid climates. If you think this might be the problem, turn off the AC unit and contact a professional for help.

Oversized AC Unit

When an AC unit is too big for the house, it will cause the AC to turn on and off frequently in an attempt to reach the desired temperature.

An oversized AC unit will turn on and off more frequently because it cools the house too quickly. Once the desired temperature is reached, the AC unit will turn off. However, since the entire house was not cooled evenly, the temperature in the home will rise again quickly. As a result, the AC unit will turn back on and repeat this cycle 

Not only does this use more energy, but it also creates more wear and tear on the AC unit, which can shorten its lifespan. In some cases, an oversized AC unit can also blow lukewarm air, which can be extremely uncomfortable.

If you have an oversized AC unit, it’s important to take action as soon as possible to avoid further damage. The first step is to find out what size AC unit is right for your home. You can do this by measuring the square footage of your home or by consulting with a professional contractor. 

Once you know what size AC unit you need, you can either purchase a new one or have your existing one downsized by a professional. If you decide to purchase a new one, make sure to get rid of your old AC unit properly so that it doesn’t end up in a landfill.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

frozen evaporator coil ac unit

The evaporator coil is an essential part of your AC unit. It’s responsible for Absorbing heat from the air in your home and transferring that heat to the refrigerant. This process makes the air in your home cool and comfortable. 

However, if the evaporator coil gets too cold, it can begin to ice over. This is usually caused by a lack of airflow. When there is not enough air flowing over the coils, they can get so cold that they begin to form ice. This ice will prevent the coils from doing their job properly, which will cause your AC unit to turn on and off frequently in an attempt to maintain the desired temperature. 

There are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening 

  • Make sure your evaporator coils are clean. Dust and dirt can build up on the coils and prevent airflow. 
  • Check your air filter and change it regularly. A clogged air filter can also prevent proper airflow. 
  • If you have a central air system, make sure all of your vents are open and unobstructed. 
  • Have your AC unit serviced by a professional at least once a year. They will be able to clean the coils and identify any other potential problems. 

Clogged Drain Line

There are a few possible reasons why your AC unit might keep turning on and off, but the most common is a clogged drain line. The drain line is responsible for carrying away excess water from the AC unit, and if it becomes clogged, that water can back up into the unit and cause all sorts of problems. Fortunately, clearing a clogged drain line is relatively simple and can be done in just a few minutes.

To clear a clogged drain line, start by locating the drain line. In most cases, the drain line will be located near the outside of your home, often close to where the AC unit is installed. Once you’ve located the drain line, you’ll need to remove any debris or Obstruction that might be causing the clog. This can be done with a simple plunger or by using a wet/dry vac to suction out the debris. Once you’ve removed the debris, flush out the drain line with clean water to make sure it’s clear, however, if the clog is severe, you might need to call a professional to clear it for you.

FAQs about AC Turning On and Off

Here are some frequently asked questions about AC units turning on and off:

Why does my AC unit keep turning on and off?

The most common reason for this is a clogged drain line. However, it can also be caused by an oversized AC unit, a frozen evaporator coil, or a variety of other issues.

What happens if my AC unit turns on and off too frequently?

If your AC unit turns on and off too frequently, it can cause a variety of problems, including shortened lifespan, decreased efficiency, and uncomfortable air quality.

How can I prevent my AC unit from turning on and off too much?

There are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening, including making sure the evaporator coils are clean, changing your air filter regularly, and having your AC unit serviced by a professional.


In conclusion, if your AC unit is turning on and off frequently, it’s important to identify the cause and take action to fix it. The most common causes of this problem are an oversized AC unit, a frozen evaporator coil, or a clogged drain line. Now that you know what to look for, you can take the necessary steps to fix the problem and keep your AC unit running smoothly.